PIERS —— A global symposium committed to
advancing photonics and electromagnetics for the benefit of humanity
Starting from PIERS 2025 Spring, we encourage students to compete for the Best Student Poster Paper Awards (BSPPA). The awardees will be selected according to the following procedure.
1. Among the first-author students who have indicated their interest in competing for BSPPA, the Awards Committee will select a certain number of poster papers to form several sessions. A student competing for best student poster paper award must be listed as the first author as well as the presenting author. A poster file or full-length paper before 20 January, 2025 is welcome but not mandatary.
2. Every BSPPA applicant in each session will give a short summary presentation in ppt (2min 30sec countdown timer will be set for each presenter), and no time for questions will be provided. Members of the Awards Committee will give scores of all the BSPPA applicants.
3. During the Poster Session on the same day, the Awards Committee will interact with these students with questions.
4. Winners of the BSPPA will be selected by the Awards Committee after the Poster Session.
5. The awards will be announced and presented collectively in the Awards Ceremony.
List of the recipients of Best Student Poster Paper Award 2025 will be posted on this PIERS webpage.
Inquiry about paper submission, registration, and program schedule, please email to:
PIERS OFFICE: office@piers.org and/or piers@emacademy.org
Usually, inquiry to PIERS OFFICE will be replied within 1-2 working days. If you cannot get reply timely, please keep trying both emails, or change another email account to contact us to avoid the unpredictable email correspondence problem between us.
Inquiry about hotels and other locale information, please email to:
Secretariat for PIERS 2025 Chiba: piers2025_secretariat@c-linkage.co.jp